Chico Scrap Metal, Inc

Chico Scrap Metal, Inc continues to provide metal recycling services in two location within Butte County. 766 Oro Chico Hwy., Durham, CA   95938 1855 Kusel Rd., Oroville, CA   95965 Over the years the types of material entering the recycling stream has changed which has impacted out ability to accept certain kinds of material.  Below is information regarding material WE CANNOT …

Chico Location Closure/Relocation

The schedule to close down operations at 878 E 20 th St. are as follows: February 28, 2022 – Last Day to receive/take scrap metal at this location. During this transition our Durham yard can take scrap metal material, located at 766 Oroville – Chico Hwy., Durham, CA 95938 (530) 345-6241 To Durham: from city of Chico; take Hwy 99 ...

Chico Scrap Metal, Inc & The City of Chico Issue Remains Unresolved

Chico Scrap Metal, Inc and the City of Chico issue remains unresolved – regardless of the front page news article of Nov 10, 2021 Chico Scrap Metal, Inc has been prepared for some time of the likely hood to relocate. We are simply asking the City to follow their own General Plan. Judges ruling is in regards to the amortization …

California Redemption Value (CRV) Buyback to Stop Friday, August 6, 2021

As many of you know we have been a long standing fight (10yrs) to remain open and to provide recycling services to our community. These efforts have been costly to date. The City of Chico has chosen to no longer make an effort to settle this dispute/ help us remain open/ help us relocate, and instead continue onto a lawsuit. …